Testosterone Towers stays home - Day 52

A late entry for yesterday's post means there's not much to report.
Today has been a bit of a mish-mash.

Chris and I tuned in to the Pioneer Network Gathering together.
Comment was made about the fact that those without their camera on were obviously not morning people.
Ours wasn't on because I was still in my pj's.
I'm loving Zoom!

I've gained such a lot this week from accessing this conference.
Our Divisional Officers Retreat was cancelled due to the pandemic, so being able to sit and receive has been a real blessing.
The fact that it was online meant we had all the benefits, without the things I find difficult at conferences.
So it was a win/win for me!
Thank you Andrew Vertigan.

A walk, a long swim of 675m, and a Zoom meeting with my niece who is researching our family tree;
brought us to the end of the afternoon.
I'm conscious that my mood has been a bit up and down today.
It's ok, but I need to note it, and be kind to myself.
I'm glad tomorrow is a Bank Holiday;
though in terms of knowing what day it is, I don't think it will be particularly helpful.

Before I go;
I know we're all God's creatures, created in God's image, perfectly and wonderfully made etc.
But why do some men think it's ok to walk the streets without a top on as soon as the sun shines?
Aren't we suffering enough already...?

Below is a sight I did enjoy on our walk.
I love it when God puts kisses in the sky.

Lots of love xx


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