Testosterone Towers stays at home - Day 64

There are some strange noises coming from the garden this afternoon.
After a little confusion, I was pleased to discover it was Nathan.
The garden is where he does his gym workout.
It's not had much use lately, 
which is most out of character for someone who prides himself on his six-pack.
Sun's out, guns out and all that...

I think it's hard for teenagers in education at the moment.
Especially years 11 & 13.
They've spent most of their years focussing on exams.
There's always been something to study, to revise, to prepare for,
until now.
Add to that the lack of socialisation, no sport, and no football,
and the world as they know it is completely different.
Nothing is left.

It's not original thoughts I'm having, I know, 
but it bothers me, and I wonder if they have been overlooked a bit,
they're so happy on their screens after all.
(Makes note to self, to get in touch with the ones from our church.)

The last few days have been fairly quiet in Testosterone Towers.
One real highlight has been the return of Bundesliga.
I know!
Let joy be unconfined.

For those not living in a world completely dominated by football,
it means football is back on the telly.
In Germany.
With teams no-one in The Towers cares about, but still they watch.

And watch.

And watch.

There were just the three matches on Sunday.

No wonder I feel out of sorts.
It's like the old world has come crashing into the new one,
and I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet.
Thank the Lord for swimming.

Hope you've had a good day?

Lots of love xx


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