Testosterone Towers stays home - Day 35

Today's Twitter game was,
"What can you recite by heart that would use up all the characters in a Tweet?"
I immediately posted the words to Wham Rap:
"Young guns are having some fun, crazy ladies keep 'em on the run..."
And so on.
And so forth.
Sing along if you know it.

So today's ponderings beg the question,
Why can I remember words I learned by heart from Smash Hits in 1982,
but I can't remember important things
like names,
and faces,
and where I know people from?

A few years before I learned those words,
I sang for the very first time with Liverpool Walton singing company.
I can still remember what I sang;
mainly because I didn't know the words, or the music, and didn't have either in front of me.

What blessed provision of thy grace, that I should find a secret place?
Within thy presence there to dwell.
And silently, my need to tell.

I could tell you every word.
I could even sing it for you if you liked.
What I can't begin to describe is the way those words captured my imagination at 9 yrs old,
and speak to my heart still today.

I was very into Enid Blyton in those days.
The idea of a secret place, a den, maybe with cushions and blankets and pop...
A place for me alone.
Where God would meet me,
sit with me,
talk with me.

Today I found that secret place in the woods.
I found it as I read the Bible in preparation for the weekend's worship.
I found it while I did some art journalling in our garden-office.
I found it as I was chatting to a lady from our church;
"It's a good job I'm old," she said.
We'd be a nightmare if we were the same age."
I found it as I did a half-hour Christian meditation via Zoom,
with 27 strangers from across the country.
I found it as I made some pastoral calls that blessed me far more than I blessed them.
I found it because God is bigger than my circumstances,
and as I search for him, he's already beside me.

No storms of life can e'er invade the secret place which Thou hast made.
But undisturbed I meet Thee there and share with Thee the place of prayer.

Lots of love xx

And grateful thanks to 'Aunties' Avis and Dot xx


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