A guest post from Testosterone Towers.

We have a visiting writer at Testosterone Towers today.
He told me he'd written something a week ago, but only sent it me this morning.
I thought you'd like to read it too, so please give a warm welcome to...

Chris Sandford!

He's more or less confined to bed today, so extra prayers would be great.
Regular readers will know that we're as certain as we can be, with the current non-testing in the UK,
that he has had COVID19.

He writes:

22 March 2020

I've had the Coronavirus now for about a week. It has been so hard not to be able to be part of life. Either life as a family, or the life of responsibility that my work is. My phone is turned off as I just can't deal with stuff.

I have no energy, and am unable to eat properly, or function.
I just have to allow things to go on around me,and accept people have it under control as I rest, and allow this illness to take its course. Karen has taken things in her stride for family, and work that needs to be put in place. I'm so proud of how she's handled this.

I've even had to accept I can't do a funeral as I've got no energy and can't risk passing this illness onto others who are vulnerable. 

Yesterday I wanted to fight this virus and get going again, but whilst I'd like to, I have to understand it's going to be a while yet because this head ain't ready for life just yet.

I loved receiving a card from two lovely people at church, not to mention a video-call this week from friends who have massive responsibilities for The Salvation Army, and yet encouraged us all as a family with the lovely surprise. Other family and friends too have been in touch. This means so much.

I know when I can I'll be back to the things I'm used to. But for now I must be patient and allow the world to go on around me, as is needed.

My faith carries me, and I'll never take for granted Gods inner strength and peace, that has brought me this far in the recovery!

I pray that family and friends and community will be strong together and show we can see this very tough time through .
I'm reminded again how I have a God who will never let me go. He loves me and he loves you too. He's a faithful God who will keep His eyes on us whatever we go through.

May God be our Rock . 

Much love to you all.


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