Testosterone Towers stays at home - Day 27

Happy Easter!

Hasn't today felt strange?
Such a mixture of emotions.

The excitement of sunrise.
The reminders that He is risen.
The joy of the Easter bunny arriving.
(I made that one up.)

We ventured into the world of Zoom with our church today.
It was so lovely to see each other.
To pray.
To laugh.
To sing.
(Well actually the singing didn't really work, but it was funny.)
Every day's a school day.

It felt very sad video-calling my Mum.
She's doing brilliantly, but I think today has been hard.
Ryan mentioned to Megan that Nanny was sad, and before we knew it, Megan was round there
dropping off a card and some cakes.
Thankfully she only lives a few miles from Mum.
She's so thoughtful.

Today has been different to what we're used to.
No shizzle Sherlock.
Easter is usually busy with good reason,
but it's been nice to have time to reflect;
to appreciate,
to be thankful for the gift of life.
New life.
A life of hope and possibilities;
and chocolate. Obvs.

He is risen, just as he said he would,
Matthew 28:6

I hope you've had a happy and blessed Easter.
Lots of love xx


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