Testosterone Towers stays at home - Day 15
We had a celebration dinner last night. As we raised a glass of our chosen beverage, we congratulated ourselves on surviving 14 days without killing each other. We then tucked into an amazing toad-in-the-hole. I shared the family recipe with Ryan. He's a science teacher so I was as scientific as I could be... Beat the eggs. (We used 4). Add plain flour until the mixture becomes lumpy. Add cold water slowly and gradually until it becomes a liquid again. Da-da! That combined with sausages cut in half, and partly cooked; and very hot oil; made the best toad-in-the-hole ever. Mash, veg and gravy completed a celebratory meal that would be the stuff of legend in years to come. And before I forget, regular readers will remember yesterday's connundrum. Compassion in the time of Corona. The answer is... (cue drum-roll) I'm not telling you as only one lovely friend played along. She was right, by the way, but now you'll never know. So there! Joel returned...