Tier 2: Day 7
Tuesday has developed a bit of a pattern over the past few months.
I spend the morning preparing or finalising this week’s Wonder-full Worship sheet.
Some weeks it is a real slog.
Then others, like this week, I wake with exact plans of what I need to write.
I did get Chris to read it through, though.
Sometimes, as a preacher, you can end up churning out similar stuff every week, if you’re not careful. Especially if you have a theme.
It’s good to have a second opinion.
Tuesday afternoons seem to involve a major loss of energy.
It’s hard to explain it. Especially as Monday is our day off, so technically I should be rested.
I’m starting to go with it though. I don’t like it, but fighting it doesn’t work, so I’m learning to take it easier when it hits.
Today I listened to some podcasts while resting my eyes. It seemed to do the trick.
Tomorrow is another day.
I hope you’ve had a good day.
Rest well.
Lots of love xx