Lockdown 3: Day 4
“Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should.” It’s a phrase that keeps coming back to me at the moment. As leaders we’ve had to make some tough decisions this week. Places of worship are allowed to hold services, under the terms of this lockdown. But I still felt unsure. The risks felt high, and while I felt deeply for those for whom meeting for worship is a lifeline in their loneliness, we made the decision as a team, not to meet. It was a really hard decision, but now that Public Health Essex have asked places of worship not to open, it is the right one. Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. I had a similar dilemma today. It’s been six days since my last swim. That’s a long time in my world. Guidance is that we can travel for exercise, but it doesn’t say how far. The paddling pool would just freeze at the moment, so that’s not an option. The upshot was that Chris, Daisy and I traveled a short distance so I could swim, and they could walk. I think Chris recognised some of the s...