What do you do on a rainy Saturday afternoon?

It's Saturday afternoon.
It's cold, windy, and we are still in lockdown, more or less.
There's nowhere to go that doesn't involve getting cold.
What do you do?

You could go for a swim of course,
which is what I did.
We've had a bit of a technical hitch with the pool so I wasn't able to swim for a few days.
Cue drop in air temperature, a rise in wind speed, and a freshly-filled pool at 14 degrees.
I'm now wrapped up, drinking coffee and eating chocolate.

The other thing you could do of course, is something I highly recommend.
You could think of the money you would normally spend on a day like today,
if the shops and restaurants were open.

Then you could click on this link

The thing is, after today's swim I've completed 32238m.
Just over 20 miles.
I have about 2k to go. Just over a mile.
And after an initial fundraising target of £250, I'm currently at £880.
I'm thrilled, of course, but a teeny part of me would like to raise £1,000.

Some of you have already been more than generous, thank you so much.
But if you haven't yet, why not think about the money you're saving by not going out today,
and maybe consider donating the price of that coffee to my challenge?
The work of Harlow Salvation Army hasn't stopped.
At all.
Not for a minute.
People still need our help and support for all kinds of things.
Your donation makes that happen.
So give yourself a pat on the back.
Maybe even swing your pants while you're there?
(For those with no knowledge of Trevor and Simon in the 80's I apologise!)

Anyway, that's it.
I'm not going to ask again, as you've done enough already.
I know how hard it is.

Have a good day.
Find a good film, and try not to eat too much chocolate.

Lots of love xx


Unknown said…
Hello Karen,
Just to say that I love reading your 'diary' in the Salvationist!
It is brilliant, yet beautifully simple, and I receive such a blessing!
So thankyou!
May the Lord continue to inspire you!
I'm sure He will!
Love and prayers - Mary Scott

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