On being a responsible dog owner.

Today's post is not for the faint-hearted.
Or for the ever-so-slightly squeamish.

However as one friend told me this week, she
"Loves that I am publicly gross"
Perhaps you're used to it?

A few weeks ago we were given the gift of Daisy,
who delights in being a 20month-old cockerpoo.
She has proved to be a real blessing to our family in countless ways,

Here she is in all her glory!

We take the role of responsible dog-owners very seriously.
The long walks,
The feeding,
The playing,
Even the not-so-pleasant task of picking up her poo.

Here comes the gross bit...

The problem is if we don't catch her in time
No sooner has she expelled it from her rear end,
Than she gobbles it up again.

I know!

And today when she did three lots in one walk.
And I was walking along with one filled poo bag
I didn't get to her third lot before she gobbled it up....

But you know God spoke to me in that moment.
And said,

"That's what you do.
"You get rid of all your 'stuff'.
The mess,
the rubbish,
the things I don't want you to have in your life.

You give them to me in the moment,
In a 'casting all your burdens' kind of way.
You're quite good at it really.

But before you know it you've taken them all back on board again.
And so it goes on
And on
And on."

I guess I'm not the only one who does this.
At least I don't think so.

And as I spent time praying and worshipping this morning
I remembered the two words God used to say to me over and over.

Trust. Me.

And you know we can.
Every last one of us.

He knows what we are made of.
He waits with open arms
Open hands.

Trust him


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