I want to be a bottle-breaker.

I want to be her.
The one overwhelmed by love and grace.
The one who walked where angels feared to tread.
The one who wouldn't be told No.

I want to be her
The one who kneels at Jesus' feet
The one who looks into his eyes
And lets down her hair.

I want to be her
The one who took the costliest perfume and broke the bottle.
The one who cried happy tears all over Jesus' feet.
The one who wipes them lovingly with her silky hair.

I want to be her
The best beloved
The courageous one
The one made beautiful by forgiveness

I want to be her
The one who loves so much
So well
So completely
That when she stands and leaves his presence
She spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.


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