My husband
Chris is 60 today.
I know!
He was 22 when we met, and I was 16.
It took him a whole year to ask me out.
Something to do with the age difference.
And here we are, thirty-eight years later,
with three sons, one daughter-in-law, and a dog.
So what can I tell you about Chris?
He’s kind.
Fiercely loyal.
He puts us, his family, first.
Every time.
He loves people.
Really loves them.
His ability to speak to anyone, from all walks of life, is enviable.
He has,
Incredible energy, enthusiasm and a zest for life. COVID-19, then long-covid has completely floored him since March 2020.
But he’s done the research, put the hours in, and we see him smile, laugh, blub, look for post-boxes he can leap-frog over, and we see him being restored.
He’s not the same as he was.
But the essence of Chris is clear as day to those who take the time to see.
I asked a few people about Chris recently.
Kind and caring were in the top ten.
“The world would be a much darker place without him in it.”
And my personal favourite?
“Chris jokes.
A lot.
But don’t be fooled.
He is a true man of God, and incredibly wise.”
So there he is.
My husband, the sixty year old.
Some of you reading this will not have met him.
Change that if you can.
Some of you may not recognise the post-covid Chris in my words.
Look closer.
Some of you will be smiling and nodding.
That’s the Chris you know and love.
His honesty and integrity never dims.
Thank you, Chris, for who you are.
Yes, trumps and all.
We love you.
We’re so glad you are in our lives.
You show God to the world by being you.
Keep blowing bubbles!
Here’s to the next decade!
With love