On letting go
I can't quite believe how long it is since I've posted.
The break was necessary, but I've missed writing.
When the shops first closed, I decided I would try to do some gardening.
Nothing too extravagant, just some bedding plants and a few seeds.
I imagined that by now, we would be eating home-grown lettuces and tomatoes at the very least. Sadly not.
Mainly because I never got round to ordering the seeds.
Or the bedding plants.
Or anything else, vaguely garden-related.
I’ve also ruined the grass by swimming the channel in our paddling pool,
so my gardening credentials are at an all-time low.
There is one saving grace in our garden though.
It’s something I planted about three years ago.
A small plant, that I knew, when it flowered, would bring forth beautiful purple blooms.
The problem is that everyone else in our household hates it.
I should mention that it has grown to about ten times its original size,
it blocks the path as I didn’t expect it to grow that big,
and most of the year it does nothing.
Then for about two weeks, every year, it looks like this…
For me, the cost is worth it to see those blooms.
I love them.
They bring precious memories of people I knew who loved them too.
However, I’ve had to face facts.
It takes up too much space in the garden.
It’s unruly and overgrown.
So, I have agreed that it can go, once these blooms are over.
It’s a tough decision, and I feel a bit sad about it, but it’s the right one.
We seem to be in a time of letting go, even still, as pubs and restaurants open today.
I'm dreading seeing photos later of crowds of people,
at a time when in truth, the virus is as dangerous as it ever was.
We need to get the economy going, but we need to be safe too.
All through this time, I've tried to take the long view.
I don't believe jumping into things is the best course of action.
Certainly not for me.
I don't even jump into water.
I'd rather get in safely, and comfortably.
To move off from a steady foundation.
So today I want to share with you what was shared with me earlier:
And also this...
Stay safe out there!
Lots of love xx