Five Minute Friday: Grow

I watch with bated breath every spring.
But this one?
This one was different.

It had been uprooted from where it had grown for 13 years.
A new home.
New life.
Different county.
Different soil.
Different world.
Would it even survive the upheaval?

Today it is flowering,
10 months on.

More than that it's flourishing in it's new environment.
Greater buds and blooms than ever before.
Signs of growth.
Of new roots being established.

It was a precious cargo
containing memories of lives
and loves.

A thing of beauty.
Hardier than it appeared at first glance.
Bringing joy

Thank you God for new beginnings.
For a place to settle.
For a world in which we love and are loved.
May I trust your heart when I don't understand your plan.
Now and for ever.

Chris's parents bought us this chamellia
Its simple beauty brings me hope.
It blooms every year about this time.


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