Five Minute Friday: Ordinary

It's Friday. That day where we write for the pure joy of writing.
Then we link up here
Why not join in?
Today's prompt is ORDINARY

I love ordinary.
The everyday.
The normal.
A bit of routine.

Hanging out the washing.
Reading a book.
A cuddle with my boys
Working at the computer.

I once heard someone say
"Do the ordinary well. And be ready for the critical moment"

It was a long time ago.
But I remember.
It resonated.
And now
All these years later
I know the truth.

That with God nothing is ordinary
He transforms everything

As I watch
And wait
And look above
He changes the ordinary moments into God moments.


Barbara said…
This is my first venture with Five Minute Fridays. I enjoyed your post. I especially like the reminder that God transforms everything (even those moments we think are so very ordinary). Praying we both accept the invitation to receive the miraculous wrapped in the guise of the everyday. Blessings!
Anonymous said…
I love this!! "With God nothing is ordinary. He transforms everything." So true!! So beautiful!! Let us praise Him for all of it: the ordinary, the extraordinary... even the critical moments.
Thanks for sharing!!
achildoftheking said…
HE certainly does change ordinary into extraordinary! AMEN... Happy Weekend!
Debi said…
Ooo, this is a great post - I love that idea of living well and being prepared for the hard stuff. Thanks so much for sharing this. It's going to rattle around in my brain now.

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