A bit of Eschatology

So here it is.
In about 48hrs from now we'll have had our final Sunday as The Salvation Army officers in Caterham.
Truth be told, I'm dreading it.
I have been all week.

To put some perspective on it I'm the child of Salvation Army Officers.
When I was young we moved home and church every 2 or 3 years.
The place I regard as my home church was only mine for seven years.
And we've been here for 11.

Not long by some people's standards
But by mine...
That's almost a quarter of my life as leaders of this church.
11 years of
being fully present in this place.

And if I'm honest I spent a few hours on Tuesday in deep distress.
It was only later that I realised this was like another bereavement to me.
Another loss
Another change.

Wednesday dawned brighter.
I went to an exercise class.
And received the call that Nathan had injured himself yet again.
I knew it probably meant yet another trip to hospital.

So driving back I prayed
And the Spirit came
And he stirred
I prayed fervently
I laughed joyously
And I had to pull over before I was arrested for careless driving.

And our God.
God not in the past
Not in the future
but right here right now...

He sent our friends as his messengers today to tell us three things.

1. There will be grief but it will be OK.

2. This isn't an ending, but a new beginning.
He has wonderful things in store.

And most importantly, for me anyway,

3. The seeds we have planted over the past 11 years have roots that go deep.
They will not fail.
We have not worked in vain, even though the last year has brought changes in the church that we didn't forsee.

As we face our Last Things on Sunday
Please pray for us.

But join me in thanking God for his faithfulness,
his vibrancy and his promptings.
For friends that love us enough to share what He says.
And for the knowledge that he has it all sorted.


Niki said…
Karen -

I am visiting from FMF.
What a wonderful testimony this is to the impact of presence. Your commitment to being present for the last 11 years is indeed a planting of many seeds that God will continue to water through others. May you find God's presence near this Sunday as you grieve the loss of dear people and places. And may God also provide great joy as you celebrate the promise that He has good, hopeful plans ahead for you albeit in new spaces!

Becky said…
I'm stopping over from Lisa Jo's. Thank you for your ministry and faithfulness in your present place. I love your thoughts saying... "The seeds we have planted over the past 11 years have roots that go deep.
They will not fail. We have not worked in vain, even though the last year has brought changes in the church that we didn't forsee." Thank you for reminding that our efforts are not in vain and leave roots which go deep. Thanks for sharing!
Denise said…
Saying prayers for you.
Vicki said…
Visiting from FMF and saying a prayer for you!
Unknown said…
Prayers for you, and you never know where those seeds are going to grow and how they will grow!!

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