
Showing posts from January, 2017

On walking Daisy into 2017

We walked in the opposite direction today, Daisy and I, We set out on a longer walk than usual and chose a different path. Beside the canal, over some bridges, through a few fields. Having a bit of puff left, we decided to go round the lake we often venture round, but as we're wild things who can't be tamed we went round the other way. I know! It was fun for a while Darting robins Trees from a different angle Views of the lake we hadn't seen before. I loved it. Daisy? Not so much. She seemed happy enough for a while; but didn't seem to recognise her favourite places, or her usual watering holes. Her piece-de-resistance though, happened at the car park. At precisely the moment when she was supposed to wait while I put her lead on, she thought it would be really funny to run off. As soon as I got close she darted in another direction. Every time. For 45 minutes. Well when I say funny...... This time of year we're bombarded with advic...