On saying Farewell
I've always hated goodbyes. As a child I would often cry when leaving grandparents, Family friends, Almost anyone. The loss we have had in recent years seems to make it even harder. Every goodbye is yet another loss. For the past 12 months I have shared leadership of a Salvation Army corps. Mike and Elizabeth were friends before, But there's something about ministering together that binds you. And as the months have gone on we have shared many things: Good coffee Prayer Laughter Coffee Ministry Hugs Successes Failures Coffee Cake Prayer Inspiration Life Love Tears Anger More laughs More tears More coffee. And you know when very different people just gel? And accept each other Learn from each other Love each other. Well that was us. And this morning we said 'farewell'. And tonight I am bereft. These two took a chance on me when doors were slamming in my face. They loved me back into leadership. They became my greatest cheer...