Five Minute Friday: Begin

Write for 5 minutes.
No editing, over-thinking,
Just write.

This weeks prompt is: BEGIN

"There was an old man named Michael Finnegan
He grew whiskers on his chin-egan
The wind came up and blew them in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan
Begin again!"

And there, my friends, lies the problem.
My mind is full of silly songs.

I sit on a Sunday.
In full view of the congregation.
The band play,
And I hear my Dad,
in my head,
singing silly made-up words
to well-known hymn tunes.
Thanks Dad!

It's so distracting.

And that
of course
is the real issue.

I'm easily distracted.
I haven't written much lately.
Life gets in the way.
Then I begin to wonder if I have anything to offer.
And so it goes on.

So here we go.
The writing begins again.
I took this weeks prompt as a command.



Anything you need to begin?

*cue music*


Joy Lenton said…
Hi Karen. I remember that rhyme and can relate to being easily distracted with a wandering mind.
I have recently taken a social media and blogging break due to health challenges and burn-out, and this is my first foray into #fiveminutefriday for quite some time.
It takes courage to get back on the horse again after a break or a fall. But I sense the most important thing is to show up, participate and not allow a blank page/screen to intimidate us.
Well done for doing that here! You are writing, sharing community and connecting through your words. Thank you. :)
PS:I love the title of your blog and all it conveys, because it echoes my own thoughts too. Bless you, friend.
Karen Sandford said…
Thanks Joy. I think you're right. Hope things get better and better for you x

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